Saturday, September 15, 2012

#9 Erick

Eric with a k!
Our class on the beach in Waialua.....

Thank you, Ginnie, for your email to Erick!  Here it is, folks:

Hi Erick,

This may seem odd to you, but Reynette, Billy, Eric, Alan, Valerie, Theresa, Mr. I and the rest of the gang have been reaching out to gather all of us up.  You – along with Theresa P  are a couple of the folks that they haven’t had luck contacting.  Rey mentioned that you were working on a base in Hawaii and that’s when I figured I might be able to help.

Are you the Erick we knew?  8th grad class of 1974?  If so, hello.  Please feel free to respond to the rest of the group.

 – Ginnie “Virginia C”


Hey Y’all,

Just wanted to let you know that Erick is indeed an active GS-14 stationed at Ft. Shafter.  I’ve dropped him a line and will let you know as soon as I hear back from him.

Hope this helps just a little in your quest to find St. Mikes Class of 74

~ Ginnie

Here are some email excerpts from Erick:

Howzit Ginnie, Reynette, Billy, Alan, Theresa G, Randy, Mr. I and Eric!

Awesome to hear from you guys.  I put my home email address on the cc line.  I also included Eric R’s email in the to line.  His good friend from high school works with me and gave me his email address.   I saw him just before Christmas.  I had lunch with Valerie back in 2008.  She was working up at Tripler Hospital, but I haven’t seen her since.  My wife Michelle is a high school classmate of Carol, but the last time I saw her was at the get together Billy had set up at Alii Beach Park back around 1990.  It was a lot of fun seeing Billy, John , Bryant, Eric, George, Carol and Mr. B.  Man, that was over 20 years ago.

Congratulations Randy H!  Retired.  I have 3 years before I am eligible.  I work for the US Army Corps of Engineers and just made 30 years.  Not sure if I’ll retire at that time, but sure is tempting.

I see Tracy (Reynette's sister) once in a while at the Costco in Hawaii Kai.  I see Mark (Eric's brother) once in a while.  He hangs out with my brother Stephen.  They used to work together at Kaiser.  So several of you are in the Bay Area?  I love that place.  My wife’s grandmother used to live on Rivera and 47th in outer Sunset 2 blocks from Ocean Beach.  We used to visit her every couple of years.  I would do minor home repairs while staying with her.  My son and I would go to the beach almost every afternoon.  But she moved back to Hawaii a few years ago and I haven’t had a chance to visit since.  If you haven’t done so, you guys gotta try the Chinese Roast Duck at a small restaurant called Cheung Hing on Noriega.  My son Troy will graduate this summer from USC and is thinking about relocating to NorCal.  If he does, I’ll put him in contact with all of his calabash Aunties and Uncles.  Alan, are you still in Castro Valley?

Hey Reynette, did I ever respond to your email?  My memory is not the best.  I hope I didn’t toss it thinking it was SPAM or some kind of phishing scam  And what was the note that John C gave you in 8th grade?

Ginnie, I am stuck over here at Kadena AB in Okinawa.  Man, AF got the best facilities.  Are you in the AF or a civilian working for the AF?

Anytime any of you are planning to visit back in Hawaii, let me know.  I don’t have Facebook, but I’m in for any online or live reunion.


For your entertainment, I have attached a pic of me holding a chunk of glacier ice I pulled from a lake near Anchorage Alaska.  Man, work can be tough.

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