Saturday, September 15, 2012

#6 Billy

Billy is an absolute sweetheart! And so funny!!!!!! Here's a snippet of that email he sent us recently that was sooooo hilarious, clever and so local boy!

"Aisos! So many E-mail. So I wen jus da-kine get back from Maui foa one family vacation & HO! Da mail box stay ova flo. But jus like you guys, I wuz  busy too an I get news. I wen get in touch wit Bryant  an chru heem I wen call Mr L (sic). He stay good as well as his entire family & we talked for quite some time. They live on the east coast on Rhode Island, where they were originally from. Bryant is still on Oahu & doing well. I have a tester out to confirm their e-mail addresses so will update as I get them.
Eh, so dis fun, yeah? I stay ready any time fo catch up on talking story an da kine, reunion. Auwe, we get plenty fo share.

Aloha, Kana Mikaela,
Bee Lee"

Here's the basic scoop on "Bee Lee":

Billy lives in Concord, CA.
He is married to Marlina and they have a daughter.
He works the graveyard shift at United Airlines as a mechanic.
(Hey, Billy! How does the recent UA move to SFO affect you?)

Bee Lee, tell us more about your life (i.e. the places you've visited, how you ended up in northern CA, etc...)

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