Saturday, September 15, 2012

#2 What To Do....Hmmm...What To Do?

Randy and I came up with a plan.

We would just make it happen...somehow!

I knew it was going to happen this time around. It's amazing how quickly things can be accomplished with modern technology.  My past efforts had included only the house phone and the phone book. At some point, there was some computer access but very little.  With those tools, I was able to stay in touch with Billy and Alan.  So much so that they were both at my wedding. They lived in Clayton and Hayward, respectively, at that time.  (For those of you who aren't too familiar with the San Francisco Bay Area, those two cities are in the East Bay and across the bay from San Francisco.)

With these tools, I also found Carole in the mid 90's, I believe,  and we chatted for a bit at that time but that was it.

A few years later, Theresa G's name came across my desk at the law school at which I am employed. I tracked her down at her law firm and learned that she lived in the East Bay Orinda. I put her in touch with Billy and they have been hanging out together ever since especially during Halloween when Billy hosts his annual pumpkin carving party. (Hey! Remember when these two were voted "Cutest Couple" and they weren't even a couple? That if they were ever together, they'd make a cute couple? They "matched"? hahaha! We were so funny back then.)

Billy's past efforts for a class reunion were a lot more bountiful. He was able to get a gathering together at Ali'i Beach. I wasn't there so others can share stories about that event.  From what I recall, I was told that the following individuals were present at the beach on that day: Billy (of course), Carole (who was the only girl from the class), Erick, Eric, Bryant, John, George, and Mr. B. Billy, was this in the 1980's? 90's? Gang, do share the details.

And last year, thanks to Facebook, I found Mr. I!! I was so excited to hear that he was in Oakland, CA....across the bay from San Francisco and in the same neck of the woods as Billy, Alan and Theresa!!!

And so here we are today...2012.

What to do...hmmm...what to do? How to do it?? Hmmm....

First things first, who are we looking for? It shouldn't be too difficult.  We only had 14 students in our 8th grade class at St. Michael's. And how did I remember that? Randy posted our yearbook pictures on his Facebook page! Thanks, Randy! I am being sarcastic because my picture is dweebie and so 1970's! But I am also feeling grateful because seeing our old pictures brought back the excitement of doing a hunt again!

Yes...I was feeling good about this!

So I clicked on to Randy's Facebook page, started assessing the situation and began plotting out a strategy........

- Reynette

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