Saturday, September 15, 2012

#16 Urdene

Urdene has been another difficult person to find.  Thank goodness for modern technology!
We found her!!!

This is Urdene's email message to us:


Hello Everyone!!

Aloha from Seattle!

I just couldn't believe it when Reynette surprised me at work with a call. I was thrilled to hear from her, and reading all of your emails has been so much fun. Believe it or not, I am a teacher/librarian at a Catholic School in Washington. I guess growing up with all of you at St. Michaels had such a lasting effect on me, that I have spent most of my teaching career (18 years) in a Catholic school. HaHa!! To get you caught up... after St. Michael's I went to Kamehameha High School and then came to Seattle for college.  I attended and graduated from Seattle University and have lived here ever since. I met my wonderful husband in college. He is a Maui boy and we have two grown kids. A son who is 26 and a daughter who is 22.  Both live and work here in Seattle. My husband is a aeronautical computer engineer and works for Boeing.  I went home to Waialua last September for my cousin's wedding and it was the first time I had been home in 23 years. My mom and dad live with me here in Seattle, so whenever our family goes to Hawaii we go to Maui to visit my husband's folks. Anyway, I took my kids with me because I really wanted to show them where I grew up. Of course, I took them to my grandma's house in Ranch Camp but the second place I took them was St. Michael's School. The memories I had there with all of you are cherished.  I am so happy to hear that you are all happy and doing well. 

Mr. I, thank you for your lovely letter. I am so very happy for you.  I have to tell you that I will always be grateful to you for introducing Shakespeare to us. Remember when we read and studied Romeo and Juliet? I loved it and remembered it.  Going on that field trip to Honolulu to watch the movie starring Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting was so exciting for me.  The seventh and eighth graders at my school read Romeo and Juliet every other year and their teachers show them that it exact same movie... it just warms my heart!!

Thank you Reynette for making the effort to get in touch with all of us after all these years. It just goes to show that we never forget where we came from... small town kids with big hearts.  Wouldn't it be fun to play "chase master" on the big slide one more time? I'll keep in touch!

Much love, Urdene

PS I think it would be fun to try and find Tad.

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