Saturday, September 15, 2012

#17 Valerie

It was great catching up with Valerie!!

Here's her email to us:


Hi all,
What a surprise! Great hearing from all of you. Glad to hear everyone is doing great. I am still here in Hawaii, got 2 children, my daughter who just graduated from Colorado State University and my son who is currently at Leeward, he tried the mainland thing at Humboldt but missed home too much. I guess he loves the ocean too much. Erick, thanks for tracking me down, we need to do lunch again. Well got to get back to work. Keep in touch.

I wrote this in an email to all:


Hi All!
Valerie and I talked story for 2+ hours last night!!!!! It was soooo nice to catch up!!! Her parents still live in the old house  - where we picked the plumerias from her yard and where we made ti leaf hula skirts. She lives down the street from her parents and across the street from the school. When I go home for the weekend in September - to celebrate my grandmother's 95th birthday - I am going to hang out with Val for a little while. Eh, Valerie! Wen I come, you betta buy new stuff, eh?!!  Joke! Joke!

We laughed and I remembered that she played the piano for all of our musical productions including Peter Pan...she hated telling stories when we had the storytelling contests....Remember when Laurie P told the same story every year? Epaminandes? (sp?) "...and she'd cooool it in the water....coooooool it in the water...." Val and I cracked up laughing remembering that!!

Did you know that she has a ranch and horses? It is located across the street from near where you used to live, Billy!

More recently, she ran into Theresa P.  She said that Theresa looked good ... and she looked happy.


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