Saturday, September 15, 2012

#18 Virginia aka Ginnie

I started looking for Virginia back in the 80's. She was one tough cookie to find.  Thank goodness for the Internet.

First of all, don't call her "Virginia".  She is known as "Ginnie". You made that change in high school, yes?

Her story is interesting....and we'd rather hear it from her...but here's the basic info::

After St. Michael's, she went to St.Francis High School...left to go to another married to a guy who went to Campbell High School....lived in Hawaii for awhile.... lived in San Francisco for awhile and went to San Francisco State University...currently resides in for the US Government...has 2 sons in college.

Here are some email excerpts from Ginnie:

Mr. I, I couldn’t be happier for you… but, I must admit I’m a little envious of the grand-kids.  Ron and I are in that empty-nest stage with both boys away in college, so something tells me we won’t be spoiling little grand-babes for at least another 5 years.

Erick, the GAL never fails!  Glad we found you brah!  And… OMG, you have been busy in your discoveries about AC-ing the tropics!  Very cool photo, BTW.  With that tan, I wasn’t sure if I was looking at Alan or Eric.

Alan, you’re also in the Bay area too?  So, are you a concert pianist now?  Haha!  I don’t know about you, but all those years of piano lessons with Mrs. H… I am now an expert at playing “chop-sticks”… I have nightmares over the ants in the hibiscus’ Mrs. H wore in her hair… and smile at the “good-fun” we had at her annual little Christmas parties.

Theresa, took a quick peek at your FB and saw the endearing photos of the kids.  Happiness comes in many shapes and forms.  So you live in Orinda?  Ross, my youngest son, his girlfriend Brooke W is from your neck of the woods.  I laugh inside whenever I think about the sleep-over at your house when we planned for you to trim an inch off my waist-length hair.  After your mom straightened out your many attempts to cut it… I left the next morning 5-lbs lighter sporting a shoulder-length bob.  You may have had a vision girl… cause I occasionally will let my hair grow out past my shoulders, but 90% of the time I wear a bob.

Rey, I can’t begin to tell you how shocked I was to hear “Are you the Virginia C I know?  If so, please call…”.  Ron (my dear hubby) keeps asking me if I plan to erase your voicemail… I always tell him “I will babe…” .  Needless to say I’ve become a little bit of a pack-rat for good memories.  THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU girl for taking the time and having the patience to reach out. 

Bill, Randy & Val – looking forward to hearing from you too. 

Enjoy the photos. 

Much love,

Count me in on the reunion here in Niceville/Destin (just kidding).  But, if you’re in the area – you are most welcome to help fill our empty nest now that our boys are off to college.  BTW, Destin is touted to be have the prettiest beaches – but clearly, these folks did not grow up on the islands.  However, I must say it’s not bad for state-side beaches.

As for Tad, we can’t leave that crazy surf-crazed kid out!  I can’t recall how many times we’d be sitting on the City Bus on the way to school when it would stop for Billy... but Tad was nowhere to be seen.  You could pretty much guess that he had dug out to catch a morning wave… only to driven in by his parents just in time for the morning bell, wet-headed  and smiling from ear-to-ear, happy to have gotten some surfin’ in…

It’s been a joy hearing about your lives and sharing good memories… keep it coming .  Y’all be good, --Ginnie

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