Sunday, September 16, 2012

#21 Responses to Mr I's Letter

Awesome story and I love that you found your soulmate!
My kids and I live in Orinda and spend most of our free time in Oakland. Look forward to seeing you and meeting Kim sometime soon.
Aloha nui loa
- Theresa G

Hi Tony aka Mr I!
So happy for you!
Life is about being honest with yourself and then going for it!
Love you!
Looking forward to our Bay Area get together!!
- Reynette

Good afternoon Mr. I (Tony)
It's great to hear from you and all the gang. I'm very happy for you and Kim
and wish the both of you many more happy years to come.

Take care and will see you soon.
Kou Hoaloha
- Alan

Mr. I,
I couldn’t be happier for you… but, I must admit I’m a little envious of the grand-kids.  Ron and I are in that empty-nest stage with both Spock boys away in college, so something tells me we won’t be spoiling little grand-babes for at least another 5 years.
- Ginnie aka Virginia

Mr. I,
I would welcome any chance to thank a former teacher. I believe you would enjoy seeing the products of your work (us) 40 years later.
- Randy

Mr. I,
Thank you for your lovely letter. I am so very happy for you.  I have to tell you that I will always be grateful to you for introducing Shakespeare to us. Remember when we read and studied Romeo and Juliet? I loved it and remembered it.  Going on that field trip to Honolulu to watch the movie starring Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting was so exciting for me.  The seventh and eighth graders at my school read Romeo and Juliet every other year and their teachers show them that it exact same movie... it just warms my heart!!
- Urdene

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