Saturday, September 15, 2012

#13 Reynette

Hi Everyone!

Yes, this has been an absolute blast!
What can I tell you about myself?

After graduating from WHS, I went to UH Manoa and spent 4.5 years there and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech and a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development. I taught catechism classes for awhile at St. Patrick's in Kaimuki and a first grade class at Island Paradise School in Moiliili. After that short period of time as a teacher, however,  I realized that I was more interested in helping children deal with the stressors of home life rather than their school work.

When a long time personal relationship ended, I moved to San Francisco, California....with 8 boxes, $200 in my pocket, an open mind and a whole new set of eyes.

I worked in an Italian bank in the heart of the financial district, a pasty (not pastry) shop, a recruiting company, and a law firm. I realized that I had to go back to school to pursue my dream of becoming a school counselor.  I enrolled at San Francisco State University and got a dual-specialized Masters degree in School and Family Counseling. I worked as a school counselor for several years in a few inner city schools in San Francisco - very rough - and then shifted to a middle school in an upper middle class community in the East Bay. The middle school experience was calmer but the issues were still very intense.

After getting married and having a child, I decided to shift my energy to my family. I became a stay-at-home mom for 3 months ... and I hated it!! Don't get me wrong! Love being a mom but hated the stay-at-home part! I went into the corporate world and became a Human Resources Manager for Macy*s and spent 5 years with the company. Working long hours and 6 days a week was wearing on me so I changed jobs.  I am still in Human Resources and am at the oldest law school in San Francisco - UC Hastings. It is the best of both worlds! (Ann, Val's sister, went to law school there!)

Over the years and in my spare time, I have done many different things.  I was a telemarketer, a mystery shopper, a food and cocktail waitress, a banquet server and floor captain and I worked in a hat shop at Ghiradelli Square. I am often called to do focus groups too.  I love trying new things! Now I work occasional weekends as an Event Coordinator/Floor Manager at an old San Francisco social club. I enjoy it because the crew is comprised of many fun and crazy personalities and the work itself is inherently happy, joyful and positive. I keep myself busy and productive because one of these days, I may not be able to do anything!

I also love to karaoke, dance - zumba and soul line dancing, and kickbox.  And thanks to Mr I and Mr B, I love to read and write.  I have 2.5 blogs right now and have written several short essays....mostly eulogy type pieces.

I would love to travel more and to explore different countries and cultures. I know that someday I will.  In the mean time, I vicariously travel the globe with HGTV's "House Hunters International" and CBS's "The Amazing Race"... and via Tad's Facebook page as well.

I married a local San Franciscan - Rich - whose ancestors came over to America on the Mayflower. Most of his dad's family still live in Maine and Boston.  His mother was a native San Franciscan whose parents immigrated from Ireland.  It can be cool to marry a local San Franciscan but also frustrating at times.  I can only imagine that it is the same for an "outsider/visitor" in Hawaii to marry a native/local. These local boys! Sheesh! Hahahaha!

My husband comes from a restaurant background and has been a General Manager in several San Francisco Bay Area restaurants.  When our daughter was born, he too made a slight shift in his career.  Now he does sales and computer programming for restaurants and similar establishments. This change has allowed him to be home at nights and on the watch the SF Giants, the Golden State Warriors, and the 49er games!!! Hahahahaha! He is a real local San Franciscan ... and a good guy.  You all have to meet him!

We have a 15-year-old daughter named Priscille who attends a private Jesuit high school in San Francisco, my husband's alma mater. She is into athletics and fashion...and is getting ready to drive.
... Oh lordy lord...need I say more?...

And that's a nutshell!

I am excited to hear more about you! Talking story is fun!

Me ke aloha,
Reynette aka Rey

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