Saturday, September 15, 2012

#11 John

Speaking of John.....

Both Billy and Erick had what seemed like entertaining conversations recently with John.  Here are the excerpts from their emails recapping the telephone sessions:

Rey, just got off the phone w/ John . @2hrs, 36min, (Portagee mout& me too) but good fun talking! He remembers things I don't & visaversa. He is living on his parents property, his mom has passed away at 83 but his father is 86 & still as strong as ever. John sounds the same & admits he is still the same. I told him of the plan & he said he will be there . He talked of Bryant, Val & Carole & of course T.P. He heard she got married & is living in CA? or at least the Mainland. No e-mail address for him. Not into tech but fully hands on mechanical.
This is fun,

I called and got a hold of his dad.  He's now 86.  Mr C said that Mrs. C passed away in February.  I expressed my condolences.  He said he was now on parole.  Still a funny guy.  I asked him to let John know that his St. Michael's classmates were trying to plan a reunion and we wanted to get in touch with him.  Mr. C said the only way to get in touch with John was to leave my name and number and he would have John call me back.  But he is hard of hearing, and as many times as I tried to spell out my name for him, I'm pretty sure the message will say that G-R-I-T-K called.  At least he got the number right.  I'll let you guys know if I do get a hold of him.

Howzit Gang,
John C called me back today and we had good fun trying to catch up.  After he relived some of adventures from 2nd and 3rd grade, I told him he can not attempt to blame anything on bad memory since his is excellent.  But after 2 hours of talk story, both our phones started to run out of batteries.  I told him of all the information he is missing out on.  I told him of the pictures Ginnie sent to all of us.  So he gave the phone to his girlfriend or daughter (not sure who took his phone away from him) to get my email address, and John said he would shoot me an email.  So as soon as he shoots me the email, I'll link him in.  I promised him that he will be the one to share the stories and updates he shared with me.  John did say that he sees George running in Haleiwa now and then and believes George works/worked for C&C Parks and Recreation. 

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