Saturday, September 15, 2012

#12 Randy

Randy, you are the bomb! Thank you for initiating contact with us!

Here's Randy's email:

Howdy from Texas ya'll !

Yes I really do talk like that (lol).  It's great to hear from and about all of you. I realize that I am most likely the forgotten member of that little group of  8th graders but I assure you that I have wondered about each of you. I never went to any school longer than 2 years since my Dad was in the Army but that has it's rewards as well as difficulties. The best thing about all the moving was being able to meet people from all over the world. I have had the good fortune to reconnect with several old friends over the years and it has always been fun. It is my sincere hope that all of us could get together again! I think it is a unique opportunity that we have. I talked to Reynette on the phone recently and really enjoyed our conversation. I just retired from the Houston Fire Department (32 years of eating smoke) so my wife and I are always looking for a reason to travel.

Mr. I , I would welcome any chance to thank a former teacher. I believe you would enjoy seeing the products of your work (us) 40 years later.

Let me close by saying if any of Ya'll are ever in Texas come on by and I'll cook you the best steak you ever had !

Take care now , Randy

I say we all fly to Houston for some those steaks!!!!!

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