Thursday, September 27, 2012

#32 Back To Waialua

"In the night, an island rain takes me to a child again beneath Waialua Sky"
- The Krush (and they were "Fabulous")

My grandmother's death and funeral recently took me back to Waialua.  Remember that green house on Goodale Avenue across from the gas station and kitty corner to Waialua Park? That was my grandma's house. Some families call their grandmothers Grandma, Tutu, Abuela, etc.  (What did you call yours?) Our grandma was affectionately called Nanny.

Nanny's funeral was held at St. Michael's Church on Tuesday, September 25 (my birthday). As we drove up to the church (and the school), those oddly strange sensations detecting something familiar started creeping into my bones, my arms, my legs, my head, my shoulders, my muscle mass (and fat)....and my heart.  I was back there with you guys, class of '74 (and teachers).

The church was warm and inviting. It was cozy, yet way back when, I remember feeling so small and not-so-warm-and-cozy each time I walked into that huge and sparsely decorated house of God. In reality, St. Michael's Church is a quaint small town local church. The updated pews welcomed my now bigger okole and broader shoulders...but I was instantly transported back to those mandatory all-school Friday masses...the masses where Eric and Alan served as altar boys. (There were other altar boys in our class, yes? Billy? Erick? John? I can't remember.  Urdene, do you remember when you and I knocked on the rectory door and asked Father Anthony - did I spell his name correctly -  if we could be altar girls? And he said "No."?)

The choir was there...all Golden Girls now...singing from their hearts just as I had remembered.

And the Waialua people! The familiar and not-so-familiar faces with warm hearts...big hearts...and lots of stories from the past.

I was a child again. 

As I drove away and looked out onto the playground, I saw us playing kickball in that corner of the basketball court... standing in line at home base ...waiting to give the commands -  "slow and smooth", "fast and bouncey", "slow and bouncey"... hoping to kick away from the boys because they were faster at getting to the ball which meant getting "beaned".

I thought of you all on Tuesday.  It was an amazing birthday gift!

Reynette <3

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

#31 Remember Miss D?

My sister Tracy used to run into Miss D at Costco in Hawaii Kai and said that she lives in her neighborhood (Kalama Valley). Erick, maybe you've seen her too but didn't recognize her?

Miss D gave her a phone number but she has misplaced the piece of paper.

Tracy will try looking for it ....and will be sure to get Miss D's info when she sees her again.

- Reynette

#30 Update - Mr and Mrs L


Reading all this is so much fun!  I will learn how to use the blog and get something posted one of these days.

Here's a little bit of our "story".

We left Hawaii amid many tears, with our 8 month old son, Micah Hanalei in 1974.  Thought we were going to Florida, but that was a bust so we went back to Rhode Island and planned to return to Hawaii.  I was pregnant with our next son, Seth, so we stayed put, both taught school for a few years, and were miserable.  Then, Hank went back to school for a masters and PhD in fisheries biology during which time we had a third child, a daughter, Rachel.  When funding ran out for fisheries biologists, Hank went back to teaching, but on Block Island, a small island off the southern coast of RI. It has a year-round population of about 950 but is a bustling tourist place during the summer, so much so that it's difficult to get around in a car. Lots of mopeds and motorcycles.  We all are motorcycle riders. And this is where we have been for 33 years.  I guess we are island people.

We did take one trip back to Hawaii with the kids in 1992, I think, and fell back in love.  The minute the plane started to descend, I started crying because it felt like I was home again.  It was magical.

Our daughter lived on the Big Island for a while and wants to return with her two sons. Her oldest is Kahala; he's 16.  Her 9 yr old is Zeke (Ezekiel) and they live in Connecticut.

Micah lives in Florida; he taught school for a while and is now back in college for biomedical engineering. A science guy like his dad. Very smart and funny.

Seth is married and has an 8 month old son, Wyatt Henry (after Hank) and lives in Connecticut and on the island.  He is the Public Works Director for a city in RI; he used to be the Town Engineer but moved to public works, hoping he will get experience and be able to move back to Block Island and take over those two positions someday. His wife works in a store here during the summer season and he comes out on weekends and mows lawns, which gives him extra money, and does lots of scuba diving. He is very active, loves to play hard, and really should have been in Hawaii.

We just bought a house in Florida so we could get away from the cold winters, now that we are both retired.  And Micah is undergoing lots of surgery to enable him to walk again after a severe motorcycle accident five years ago that left him with a deteriorating leg.  The first surgery in July was unsuccessful and we are looking at another one soon. Prayers from everyone would be great!

Hank does lots of bonsai and is very into astronomy.  He has two, no three, large telescopes and belongs to an astronomical society where is does presentations and they love him.  He was the island naturalist for years here, and developed nature walks that are still used.  He was the principal of the school here for a while, but really likes teaching better. Loves the chemistry thing where he can blow things up.  Still does rocketry; he is so into the space program and knows every mission.  Went to see the last shuttle launch last winter. Our Florida home is not far from Cape Canaveral.

I still do musical productions; directed the island choral group for years and have done more "Extravaganzas" than I can count.  I often get Hank on stage, but never to sing! He is sometimes in drag (he looks great in a dress and pumps with his great legs and skinny ankles!), sometimes just a walk-on in some costume, last summer was a swimmer in a hysterical synchronized swimming routine, and then was Santa in a production in a legitimate theater in Stuart Florida last December.  I had told him that I would not put him on stage any more after we went to Florida, but I guess I lied.  He was perfect since his hair is totally white and he has a great white beard!

We're in touch with the L ****** family (the other L family); Bryant and Kelly are both still on Oahu.  Bryant has polo ponies at Mokuleia and is a dentist in Honolulu.  Kelly is an attorney in town, too.  Chris  lives in Oklahoma and Michelle is in Atlanta, I think.

So, that's it.  What we would love to know is just what everyone is doing.  Hank had made some predictions about you all years ago and we are curious about where you all are and what you do.  How can we find that out?

So looking forward to being back with everyone.

Mahalo for all your hard work!

(Toni L)

Monday, September 17, 2012

#29 Where To Have It? Hmmm... Where To Have It?

Location! Location! Location!

Erick suggested this song to assist in our decision making process with the reunion location.
Na Leo "I Miss You, My Hawaii"

And how about these.....
Brothers Cazimero "Home In The Islands"
Olomana "Home"
Cecilio and Kapono "Good Times Together"
The Krush "My Hawaii"

...and then the "icing on the cake"....
The Krush "Waialua Sky"


Sooooooooooo...........what do you think?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

#28 Kana Mikaela - 2014 Reunion - 40 Years

So everyone seems to be in agreement with having a St. Michael's reunion in 2014.


This is what needs to happen and things to consider:
Determine budget
Determine income source (s)
Set a date and time - some time in 2014
(Everyone, throw out possible months)
Decide on a  party location
(Ideas: St. Michael's auditorium? a restaurant in Haleiwa? SF?)
Reserve the space
Make a guest list
Send out invitations
(I can send out virtual ones)
Decorations and memorabilia
Set a menu / Order food and drinks/ice / Buffet? Potluck?
(Skinny Girl Margaritas and Heineken Lite for me, please! hahahaha!)
Paper goods
(Should we have a "The King and I" sing along?)
Set Up
Clean Up

Who's in and what's your specialty and/or preference, if any?
Let's start brainstorming, Gangee!

#27 Random Memories

"Randy, do you remember having to cut your hair when we attended Damien Memorial High for summer school in '74?  Both of us had long hair.  Our hair was not allowed to touch our collars or ears." 
- Erick

"Alan,... so, are you a concert pianist now?  Haha!  I don't know about you, but all those years of piano lessons with Mrs. H... I am now an expert at playing "chop-sticks"... I have nightmares over the ants in the hibiscus' Mrs. H wore in her hair... and smile at the "good-fun" we had at her annual little Christmas parties."
- Ginnie

"Theresa G, I laugh inside whenever I think about the sleep-over at your house when we planned for you to trim an inch off my waist-length hair.  After your mom straightened out your many attempts to cut it... I left the next morning 5-lbs lighter sporting a shoulder-length bob."
- Ginnie 

"Wouldn't it be fun to play "chase master" on the big slide one more time?"
- Urdene

"Remember when Alan would "bean" us with the kickball...and aim for our legs?"
- Reynette

"Remember making ti leaf hula skirts at my house?"
- Valerie

"Remember when Urdene was Peter Pan?"
- Valerie

"Remember the boys building and launching rockets?  And that the girls had to do it too?"
- Reynette

"Remember digging in the dirt for stuff in Kahuku and at the old St. Michael's Church with Mr L?"
- Reynette

"Remember always trying to protect Theresa P from John?"
- Reynette

"I needed a mustache for my part as the ship's captain in "The King and I". Mrs. L snipped off some of her hair and I had a mustache."
- Randy

#26 Class of '74 - Left Before 8th Grade - Tad

Remember Tad?

Ginnie mentioned some fun memories about catching the bus with him and Billy.

This is what I know about Tad:

He owns a film company in New York and makes very interesting documentaries.  Based on his pictures on Facebook, he is currently working on a project in Tibet and the Himalayan Mountains.

Last year I believe he was in Peru at Macchu Pichu.

He did a project about being green and sustainable and had Brad Pitt as the narrator.

Go to

Theresa G had lunch with him a few years ago.

At one point, he lived in San Francisco and worked on a documentary on dopamine.

Fascinating life!

#25 Class of '74 - Left Before 8th Grade - Bryant

Remember Bryant L?

I know that he is a DDS in Hawaii.

What else do you all know?

#24 Mr B

Mr B is still somewhere in Hawaii....and not in the spiritual sense, if you know what I mean.
(Where did John get his info, I wonder?)

This is what I know:

After he left St. Michael's, he pursued his photography interest and continued to live in Haleiwa.

He later married Leslie W, the newscaster, and lived on Crozier Drive in Waialua.

He and Leslie either recently got a divorce or are in the process of getting one.

I think he still lives on Crozier Drive.

I think we need to do more sleuthing.

#23 Mr and Mrs L

Remember them?

This is what comes to mind for me...
Mrs L was fun and feisty.
Mr L was quiet, smart and a creative Science and Math teacher.

They moved back to Rhode Island, I believe, after they left Hawaii.

Here's some info via email excerpts on them:

email from Bee Lee
.... I wuz busy too an I get news. I wen get in touch wit Bryant L an chru heem I wen call Mr L. He stay good as well as his entire family & we talked for quite some time. They live on the east coast on Rhode Island, where they were originally from....
- Bee Lee aka Billy

email from Mr I
Hey y'all,
I called Toni L (cell 401-***-****)  Hank is not on Facebook.
They are currently in Block Island (off Rhode Island) baby-sitting for a grandchild.  They are retired, living in Florida, doing fine and now know about the planned reunion.  Toni is your contact for Hank. 

Hugs to all
- Tony I

Facebook message from Mrs L to Reynette:
Hey there, woman! Tony I told me to contact you about a reunion. Let's talk. Hank and I would love to attend. t********* It has been soooooo long!

My blogger response:
Woo Hoo!!!

#22 C-H-E-E-S-E

You are the best, Ginnie, for finding and sending these!!!!!
Thank you!! Thank you!
What memories!!

#21 Responses to Mr I's Letter

Awesome story and I love that you found your soulmate!
My kids and I live in Orinda and spend most of our free time in Oakland. Look forward to seeing you and meeting Kim sometime soon.
Aloha nui loa
- Theresa G

Hi Tony aka Mr I!
So happy for you!
Life is about being honest with yourself and then going for it!
Love you!
Looking forward to our Bay Area get together!!
- Reynette

Good afternoon Mr. I (Tony)
It's great to hear from you and all the gang. I'm very happy for you and Kim
and wish the both of you many more happy years to come.

Take care and will see you soon.
Kou Hoaloha
- Alan

Mr. I,
I couldn’t be happier for you… but, I must admit I’m a little envious of the grand-kids.  Ron and I are in that empty-nest stage with both Spock boys away in college, so something tells me we won’t be spoiling little grand-babes for at least another 5 years.
- Ginnie aka Virginia

Mr. I,
I would welcome any chance to thank a former teacher. I believe you would enjoy seeing the products of your work (us) 40 years later.
- Randy

Mr. I,
Thank you for your lovely letter. I am so very happy for you.  I have to tell you that I will always be grateful to you for introducing Shakespeare to us. Remember when we read and studied Romeo and Juliet? I loved it and remembered it.  Going on that field trip to Honolulu to watch the movie starring Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting was so exciting for me.  The seventh and eighth graders at my school read Romeo and Juliet every other year and their teachers show them that it exact same movie... it just warms my heart!!
- Urdene

#20 Mr I's Letter

Hey gang,
Please read attached. 

Information you should know.
Aloha nui,
Tony I

St. Michael's Gang

Greetings to all,

Let me first say how overjoyed I am to be invited into this illustrious group and how unusual to find adults still in contact with friends from their 8th grade class. Let me add that I have been debating writing this note and have decided that I have been unfair to you in not informing you of the changes in my life.

When I left Hawaii, we moved to Connecticut where my wife got a job on the first day there. It took me a little longer but I started teaching in Cromwell, a suburb of Hartford. A public school, it was very different from St. Michael's. I left after three years and went to school to become a computer programmer. I did that for many years at two different companies until I got a job offer in San Francisco. I moved to CA with no hesitation at all. Before the move, my wife and I had another child, a daughter, who lives in SF.  She is very close to me and estranged from her mother.  Her mother and I are divorced. People change and we grew apart, very far apart in truth.

My sons are back East, in Connecticut and Kentucky.  Both are married with children - I have 5 grand kids, ranging in age from 19 to 10, 4 girls and 1 boy.  The sons are good men, solid, hard-working and devoted to their families.  I adore both my daughters-in-law. I don't get to see the boys and their families much due to the distance, but we do talk on the phone once a month or so.

I am remarried and in a very strong relationship, now going on 18 years together.  That really is the point of this note.  I am married to another man.  I came out over 25 years ago.  My kids know and have accepted Kim, my partner, fully as part of their lives.  He is a second grandfather and a second father.  In many ways, he is my opposite and helps to balance my idiosyncracies.

I am a very lucky man; I am loved and supported by those around me.  I am aware that not everyone can accept my being gay, and that is a choice only they can make and I cannot control.  If the gang wishes to bar me from its membership, I will understand.  I will personally mourn the decision, but I will understand.

To all of you, I wish the very best; may your lives continue to give you all the joys you deserve.

Tony I

Saturday, September 15, 2012

#19 I Found Mr I!!

I was so excited when I found Mr I on Facebook last year. His Facebook page said that he lived in  Oakland, CA. Oakland?  That was across the bay from me!!!!

I immediately sent him a message.
This was the email thread:

Are you Mr I - my teacher at St. Michael's School in Waialua, Oahu, Hawaii?

In the 70's?
If so, HI! This is Reynette O.

OMG, yes, the same one. You are grown and married, I see. I have wonderful memories of St. Michael's and a certain "King and I" starring none other than Reynette O and Alan M. It is SO good to hear from you. I wish you well and every happiness. 
Tony (Mr. I)

I invited him to meet up with Theresa G and me ( and our families) at Billy's house for Halloween. We didn't hear from him until we looped him into our recent email conversations.

- Reynette

#18 Virginia aka Ginnie

I started looking for Virginia back in the 80's. She was one tough cookie to find.  Thank goodness for the Internet.

First of all, don't call her "Virginia".  She is known as "Ginnie". You made that change in high school, yes?

Her story is interesting....and we'd rather hear it from her...but here's the basic info::

After St. Michael's, she went to St.Francis High School...left to go to another married to a guy who went to Campbell High School....lived in Hawaii for awhile.... lived in San Francisco for awhile and went to San Francisco State University...currently resides in for the US Government...has 2 sons in college.

Here are some email excerpts from Ginnie:

Mr. I, I couldn’t be happier for you… but, I must admit I’m a little envious of the grand-kids.  Ron and I are in that empty-nest stage with both boys away in college, so something tells me we won’t be spoiling little grand-babes for at least another 5 years.

Erick, the GAL never fails!  Glad we found you brah!  And… OMG, you have been busy in your discoveries about AC-ing the tropics!  Very cool photo, BTW.  With that tan, I wasn’t sure if I was looking at Alan or Eric.

Alan, you’re also in the Bay area too?  So, are you a concert pianist now?  Haha!  I don’t know about you, but all those years of piano lessons with Mrs. H… I am now an expert at playing “chop-sticks”… I have nightmares over the ants in the hibiscus’ Mrs. H wore in her hair… and smile at the “good-fun” we had at her annual little Christmas parties.

Theresa, took a quick peek at your FB and saw the endearing photos of the kids.  Happiness comes in many shapes and forms.  So you live in Orinda?  Ross, my youngest son, his girlfriend Brooke W is from your neck of the woods.  I laugh inside whenever I think about the sleep-over at your house when we planned for you to trim an inch off my waist-length hair.  After your mom straightened out your many attempts to cut it… I left the next morning 5-lbs lighter sporting a shoulder-length bob.  You may have had a vision girl… cause I occasionally will let my hair grow out past my shoulders, but 90% of the time I wear a bob.

Rey, I can’t begin to tell you how shocked I was to hear “Are you the Virginia C I know?  If so, please call…”.  Ron (my dear hubby) keeps asking me if I plan to erase your voicemail… I always tell him “I will babe…” .  Needless to say I’ve become a little bit of a pack-rat for good memories.  THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU girl for taking the time and having the patience to reach out. 

Bill, Randy & Val – looking forward to hearing from you too. 

Enjoy the photos. 

Much love,

Count me in on the reunion here in Niceville/Destin (just kidding).  But, if you’re in the area – you are most welcome to help fill our empty nest now that our boys are off to college.  BTW, Destin is touted to be have the prettiest beaches – but clearly, these folks did not grow up on the islands.  However, I must say it’s not bad for state-side beaches.

As for Tad, we can’t leave that crazy surf-crazed kid out!  I can’t recall how many times we’d be sitting on the City Bus on the way to school when it would stop for Billy... but Tad was nowhere to be seen.  You could pretty much guess that he had dug out to catch a morning wave… only to driven in by his parents just in time for the morning bell, wet-headed  and smiling from ear-to-ear, happy to have gotten some surfin’ in…

It’s been a joy hearing about your lives and sharing good memories… keep it coming .  Y’all be good, --Ginnie

#17 Valerie

It was great catching up with Valerie!!

Here's her email to us:


Hi all,
What a surprise! Great hearing from all of you. Glad to hear everyone is doing great. I am still here in Hawaii, got 2 children, my daughter who just graduated from Colorado State University and my son who is currently at Leeward, he tried the mainland thing at Humboldt but missed home too much. I guess he loves the ocean too much. Erick, thanks for tracking me down, we need to do lunch again. Well got to get back to work. Keep in touch.

I wrote this in an email to all:


Hi All!
Valerie and I talked story for 2+ hours last night!!!!! It was soooo nice to catch up!!! Her parents still live in the old house  - where we picked the plumerias from her yard and where we made ti leaf hula skirts. She lives down the street from her parents and across the street from the school. When I go home for the weekend in September - to celebrate my grandmother's 95th birthday - I am going to hang out with Val for a little while. Eh, Valerie! Wen I come, you betta buy new stuff, eh?!!  Joke! Joke!

We laughed and I remembered that she played the piano for all of our musical productions including Peter Pan...she hated telling stories when we had the storytelling contests....Remember when Laurie P told the same story every year? Epaminandes? (sp?) "...and she'd cooool it in the water....coooooool it in the water...." Val and I cracked up laughing remembering that!!

Did you know that she has a ranch and horses? It is located across the street from near where you used to live, Billy!

More recently, she ran into Theresa P.  She said that Theresa looked good ... and she looked happy.


#16 Urdene

Urdene has been another difficult person to find.  Thank goodness for modern technology!
We found her!!!

This is Urdene's email message to us:


Hello Everyone!!

Aloha from Seattle!

I just couldn't believe it when Reynette surprised me at work with a call. I was thrilled to hear from her, and reading all of your emails has been so much fun. Believe it or not, I am a teacher/librarian at a Catholic School in Washington. I guess growing up with all of you at St. Michaels had such a lasting effect on me, that I have spent most of my teaching career (18 years) in a Catholic school. HaHa!! To get you caught up... after St. Michael's I went to Kamehameha High School and then came to Seattle for college.  I attended and graduated from Seattle University and have lived here ever since. I met my wonderful husband in college. He is a Maui boy and we have two grown kids. A son who is 26 and a daughter who is 22.  Both live and work here in Seattle. My husband is a aeronautical computer engineer and works for Boeing.  I went home to Waialua last September for my cousin's wedding and it was the first time I had been home in 23 years. My mom and dad live with me here in Seattle, so whenever our family goes to Hawaii we go to Maui to visit my husband's folks. Anyway, I took my kids with me because I really wanted to show them where I grew up. Of course, I took them to my grandma's house in Ranch Camp but the second place I took them was St. Michael's School. The memories I had there with all of you are cherished.  I am so happy to hear that you are all happy and doing well. 

Mr. I, thank you for your lovely letter. I am so very happy for you.  I have to tell you that I will always be grateful to you for introducing Shakespeare to us. Remember when we read and studied Romeo and Juliet? I loved it and remembered it.  Going on that field trip to Honolulu to watch the movie starring Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting was so exciting for me.  The seventh and eighth graders at my school read Romeo and Juliet every other year and their teachers show them that it exact same movie... it just warms my heart!!

Thank you Reynette for making the effort to get in touch with all of us after all these years. It just goes to show that we never forget where we came from... small town kids with big hearts.  Wouldn't it be fun to play "chase master" on the big slide one more time? I'll keep in touch!

Much love, Urdene

PS I think it would be fun to try and find Tad.

#15 Theresa P aka TP

It has taken us a long time to find TP.
All I know is what I can see on facebook.

Basic information:

She currently resides in Maryland with her husband. I believe that they may have lived in Southern California at some point and that she worked at a medical facility there.

They have a couple of pomeranians and a bird.

I don't know about children or grandchildren.

She keeps in touch with her brother Jimbo and her sister Laurie.

Please know that I don't want to be a virtual stalker.  I am just thrilled that I have gotten this far with trying to make contact with her.

I wrote a private message on Theresa's facebook page.  I hope she finds it and answers me. 

#14 Theresa G aka TAG

Remember that? TAG?

I must tell you.  When I met up with Theresa after not seeing her since high school, I was shocked to see that, physically, she had not changed a bit! She looks the same!  It's uncanny! Am I not right, Billy?

Theresa studied law at Stanford and was a practicing corporate attorney with a very reputable firm in San Francisco.  She also taught a class or two at Hastings for awhile. A couple of years or so ago, she decided to take a break from practicing law to that degree.

She is very connected to her church in Oakland and spends a lot of time with church events and activities.

Theresa lives in Orinda, a very beautiful suburb in the East Bay, and is a single mom raising 2 darling kids.  Gabe "The Thespian" and Ava "The Princess" keep her busy, I know.

She also spends a lot of time with her family of origin.  They now reside in different parts of California.

I keep up with her via facebook.

Theresa, what can you share with the Kana Mikaela ohana?


Email from TAG


Would love to see all you folks!  I am on facebook so if you haven't already done, send me a friend request "theresa g** m****" 

Currently retired but will be back in the saddle soon. Left large firm practice (and a marriage) and went inhouse at a start up for awhile.  Crazy and challenging, and ultimately not the right thing for a single mother with two young kids (my son is 14 and my daughter is 9). Live over in the East Bay.

Rey has been so great - I taught as an adjunct at UC Hastings and she totally hooked me up.  Bill has been good to us as well!  He and his awesome wife have hosted my tribe for a Halloween get together for a couple of years now.

So Bay Area people let's gather soon.  There is a hula thing in the Fall and I think the Aloha festival is in August.

BTW I went to lawschool with niece of the principal of Waialua High, Mr. K!  She and I remain good friends and I saw him at her wedding.  Small world!

Aloha nui loa

#13 Reynette

Hi Everyone!

Yes, this has been an absolute blast!
What can I tell you about myself?

After graduating from WHS, I went to UH Manoa and spent 4.5 years there and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech and a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development. I taught catechism classes for awhile at St. Patrick's in Kaimuki and a first grade class at Island Paradise School in Moiliili. After that short period of time as a teacher, however,  I realized that I was more interested in helping children deal with the stressors of home life rather than their school work.

When a long time personal relationship ended, I moved to San Francisco, California....with 8 boxes, $200 in my pocket, an open mind and a whole new set of eyes.

I worked in an Italian bank in the heart of the financial district, a pasty (not pastry) shop, a recruiting company, and a law firm. I realized that I had to go back to school to pursue my dream of becoming a school counselor.  I enrolled at San Francisco State University and got a dual-specialized Masters degree in School and Family Counseling. I worked as a school counselor for several years in a few inner city schools in San Francisco - very rough - and then shifted to a middle school in an upper middle class community in the East Bay. The middle school experience was calmer but the issues were still very intense.

After getting married and having a child, I decided to shift my energy to my family. I became a stay-at-home mom for 3 months ... and I hated it!! Don't get me wrong! Love being a mom but hated the stay-at-home part! I went into the corporate world and became a Human Resources Manager for Macy*s and spent 5 years with the company. Working long hours and 6 days a week was wearing on me so I changed jobs.  I am still in Human Resources and am at the oldest law school in San Francisco - UC Hastings. It is the best of both worlds! (Ann, Val's sister, went to law school there!)

Over the years and in my spare time, I have done many different things.  I was a telemarketer, a mystery shopper, a food and cocktail waitress, a banquet server and floor captain and I worked in a hat shop at Ghiradelli Square. I am often called to do focus groups too.  I love trying new things! Now I work occasional weekends as an Event Coordinator/Floor Manager at an old San Francisco social club. I enjoy it because the crew is comprised of many fun and crazy personalities and the work itself is inherently happy, joyful and positive. I keep myself busy and productive because one of these days, I may not be able to do anything!

I also love to karaoke, dance - zumba and soul line dancing, and kickbox.  And thanks to Mr I and Mr B, I love to read and write.  I have 2.5 blogs right now and have written several short essays....mostly eulogy type pieces.

I would love to travel more and to explore different countries and cultures. I know that someday I will.  In the mean time, I vicariously travel the globe with HGTV's "House Hunters International" and CBS's "The Amazing Race"... and via Tad's Facebook page as well.

I married a local San Franciscan - Rich - whose ancestors came over to America on the Mayflower. Most of his dad's family still live in Maine and Boston.  His mother was a native San Franciscan whose parents immigrated from Ireland.  It can be cool to marry a local San Franciscan but also frustrating at times.  I can only imagine that it is the same for an "outsider/visitor" in Hawaii to marry a native/local. These local boys! Sheesh! Hahahaha!

My husband comes from a restaurant background and has been a General Manager in several San Francisco Bay Area restaurants.  When our daughter was born, he too made a slight shift in his career.  Now he does sales and computer programming for restaurants and similar establishments. This change has allowed him to be home at nights and on the watch the SF Giants, the Golden State Warriors, and the 49er games!!! Hahahahaha! He is a real local San Franciscan ... and a good guy.  You all have to meet him!

We have a 15-year-old daughter named Priscille who attends a private Jesuit high school in San Francisco, my husband's alma mater. She is into athletics and fashion...and is getting ready to drive.
... Oh lordy lord...need I say more?...

And that's a nutshell!

I am excited to hear more about you! Talking story is fun!

Me ke aloha,
Reynette aka Rey

#12 Randy

Randy, you are the bomb! Thank you for initiating contact with us!

Here's Randy's email:

Howdy from Texas ya'll !

Yes I really do talk like that (lol).  It's great to hear from and about all of you. I realize that I am most likely the forgotten member of that little group of  8th graders but I assure you that I have wondered about each of you. I never went to any school longer than 2 years since my Dad was in the Army but that has it's rewards as well as difficulties. The best thing about all the moving was being able to meet people from all over the world. I have had the good fortune to reconnect with several old friends over the years and it has always been fun. It is my sincere hope that all of us could get together again! I think it is a unique opportunity that we have. I talked to Reynette on the phone recently and really enjoyed our conversation. I just retired from the Houston Fire Department (32 years of eating smoke) so my wife and I are always looking for a reason to travel.

Mr. I , I would welcome any chance to thank a former teacher. I believe you would enjoy seeing the products of your work (us) 40 years later.

Let me close by saying if any of Ya'll are ever in Texas come on by and I'll cook you the best steak you ever had !

Take care now , Randy

I say we all fly to Houston for some those steaks!!!!!

#11 John

Speaking of John.....

Both Billy and Erick had what seemed like entertaining conversations recently with John.  Here are the excerpts from their emails recapping the telephone sessions:

Rey, just got off the phone w/ John . @2hrs, 36min, (Portagee mout& me too) but good fun talking! He remembers things I don't & visaversa. He is living on his parents property, his mom has passed away at 83 but his father is 86 & still as strong as ever. John sounds the same & admits he is still the same. I told him of the plan & he said he will be there . He talked of Bryant, Val & Carole & of course T.P. He heard she got married & is living in CA? or at least the Mainland. No e-mail address for him. Not into tech but fully hands on mechanical.
This is fun,

I called and got a hold of his dad.  He's now 86.  Mr C said that Mrs. C passed away in February.  I expressed my condolences.  He said he was now on parole.  Still a funny guy.  I asked him to let John know that his St. Michael's classmates were trying to plan a reunion and we wanted to get in touch with him.  Mr. C said the only way to get in touch with John was to leave my name and number and he would have John call me back.  But he is hard of hearing, and as many times as I tried to spell out my name for him, I'm pretty sure the message will say that G-R-I-T-K called.  At least he got the number right.  I'll let you guys know if I do get a hold of him.

Howzit Gang,
John C called me back today and we had good fun trying to catch up.  After he relived some of adventures from 2nd and 3rd grade, I told him he can not attempt to blame anything on bad memory since his is excellent.  But after 2 hours of talk story, both our phones started to run out of batteries.  I told him of all the information he is missing out on.  I told him of the pictures Ginnie sent to all of us.  So he gave the phone to his girlfriend or daughter (not sure who took his phone away from him) to get my email address, and John said he would shoot me an email.  So as soon as he shoots me the email, I'll link him in.  I promised him that he will be the one to share the stories and updates he shared with me.  John did say that he sees George running in Haleiwa now and then and believes George works/worked for C&C Parks and Recreation. 

#10 George

"Braddah" is his family nickname.  Did you know that?

So I don't have much to write about George. This is what I know:

George went to WHS with a bunch of us after St. Michael's. He was on the football and basketball teams, I believe.

My brother Lance tells me that he is retired as an airline mechanic but currently works with a boating excursion company out of Haleiwa Harbor. He still lives in the same family house off of Waialua Beach Road.

I saw him a few years ago at a WHS class reunion in Las Vegas and he pretty much looked the same.  He was still as shy as he ever.
(Note: At that particular reunion, I also told him that he didn't need to send that awful note with the swear word to me in the 8th grade because I never sent him a note telling him that I liked him. He blamed it on John. Surprise! Surprise!)

If anyone has updates on George's happenings, please fill in the blanks for us.

#9 Erick

Eric with a k!
Our class on the beach in Waialua.....

Thank you, Ginnie, for your email to Erick!  Here it is, folks:

Hi Erick,

This may seem odd to you, but Reynette, Billy, Eric, Alan, Valerie, Theresa, Mr. I and the rest of the gang have been reaching out to gather all of us up.  You – along with Theresa P  are a couple of the folks that they haven’t had luck contacting.  Rey mentioned that you were working on a base in Hawaii and that’s when I figured I might be able to help.

Are you the Erick we knew?  8th grad class of 1974?  If so, hello.  Please feel free to respond to the rest of the group.

 – Ginnie “Virginia C”


Hey Y’all,

Just wanted to let you know that Erick is indeed an active GS-14 stationed at Ft. Shafter.  I’ve dropped him a line and will let you know as soon as I hear back from him.

Hope this helps just a little in your quest to find St. Mikes Class of 74

~ Ginnie

Here are some email excerpts from Erick:

Howzit Ginnie, Reynette, Billy, Alan, Theresa G, Randy, Mr. I and Eric!

Awesome to hear from you guys.  I put my home email address on the cc line.  I also included Eric R’s email in the to line.  His good friend from high school works with me and gave me his email address.   I saw him just before Christmas.  I had lunch with Valerie back in 2008.  She was working up at Tripler Hospital, but I haven’t seen her since.  My wife Michelle is a high school classmate of Carol, but the last time I saw her was at the get together Billy had set up at Alii Beach Park back around 1990.  It was a lot of fun seeing Billy, John , Bryant, Eric, George, Carol and Mr. B.  Man, that was over 20 years ago.

Congratulations Randy H!  Retired.  I have 3 years before I am eligible.  I work for the US Army Corps of Engineers and just made 30 years.  Not sure if I’ll retire at that time, but sure is tempting.

I see Tracy (Reynette's sister) once in a while at the Costco in Hawaii Kai.  I see Mark (Eric's brother) once in a while.  He hangs out with my brother Stephen.  They used to work together at Kaiser.  So several of you are in the Bay Area?  I love that place.  My wife’s grandmother used to live on Rivera and 47th in outer Sunset 2 blocks from Ocean Beach.  We used to visit her every couple of years.  I would do minor home repairs while staying with her.  My son and I would go to the beach almost every afternoon.  But she moved back to Hawaii a few years ago and I haven’t had a chance to visit since.  If you haven’t done so, you guys gotta try the Chinese Roast Duck at a small restaurant called Cheung Hing on Noriega.  My son Troy will graduate this summer from USC and is thinking about relocating to NorCal.  If he does, I’ll put him in contact with all of his calabash Aunties and Uncles.  Alan, are you still in Castro Valley?

Hey Reynette, did I ever respond to your email?  My memory is not the best.  I hope I didn’t toss it thinking it was SPAM or some kind of phishing scam  And what was the note that John C gave you in 8th grade?

Ginnie, I am stuck over here at Kadena AB in Okinawa.  Man, AF got the best facilities.  Are you in the AF or a civilian working for the AF?

Anytime any of you are planning to visit back in Hawaii, let me know.  I don’t have Facebook, but I’m in for any online or live reunion.


For your entertainment, I have attached a pic of me holding a chunk of glacier ice I pulled from a lake near Anchorage Alaska.  Man, work can be tough.

#8 Eric

My work buddy Jim asked if I wanted to drive from San Francisco to Omaha, Nebraska in 1984 (or 1985. I can't remember). I knew that Eric was there so somehow I made contact and visited with him. He was still at Creighton University in nursing school or had just finished. That was the last time I had seen or had spoken to him.  Most recently, I was able to " friend"  him on facebook.  This is what I know:

He still lives in Omaha, NE

He is married and has 4 children.

Unfortunately his dad passed away in June so he had to fly back to Hawaii for the services.

Eric, we would love to hear from you and more about what you've been up to. Your fb pictures depict a very responsible and serious guy.  That is interesting to see as I remember you being very playful. And to this day, I will always remember you taking me to this "dive bar" in Omaha where I had the best dark beer on tap - Kulmbacher (sp?). I tell my drinking pals about it all the time! They'd never heard of it and think I'm crazy! Talk to us. Tell us how how you are doing and all about your life and beautiful family.

#7 Carole

Carole lives with her husband and their dog in Aiea.

She lives across from her mother and a few doors down from her brother Paul.

She has been working at the Hilton Hawaiian Village for many years and was recently promoted to work in the Controller's office there.  Her diplomatic nature has allowed her the honor of working well with challenging individuals.

Her family still keeps in touch with many St. Michael's families.

Carole, remember when we traded rings?
So catch us up when you can. We'd love to hear from you.

- Reynette

#6 Billy

Billy is an absolute sweetheart! And so funny!!!!!! Here's a snippet of that email he sent us recently that was sooooo hilarious, clever and so local boy!

"Aisos! So many E-mail. So I wen jus da-kine get back from Maui foa one family vacation & HO! Da mail box stay ova flo. But jus like you guys, I wuz  busy too an I get news. I wen get in touch wit Bryant  an chru heem I wen call Mr L (sic). He stay good as well as his entire family & we talked for quite some time. They live on the east coast on Rhode Island, where they were originally from. Bryant is still on Oahu & doing well. I have a tester out to confirm their e-mail addresses so will update as I get them.
Eh, so dis fun, yeah? I stay ready any time fo catch up on talking story an da kine, reunion. Auwe, we get plenty fo share.

Aloha, Kana Mikaela,
Bee Lee"

Here's the basic scoop on "Bee Lee":

Billy lives in Concord, CA.
He is married to Marlina and they have a daughter.
He works the graveyard shift at United Airlines as a mechanic.
(Hey, Billy! How does the recent UA move to SFO affect you?)

Bee Lee, tell us more about your life (i.e. the places you've visited, how you ended up in northern CA, etc...)

#5 Alan

This entry is based on my personal conversations with Alan.

Alan currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

He has 2 children who live with their mother in Ireland. He visits them often.
(They are really cute!  I saw pictures of them.)

Alan owned his own vacuum cleaner business in Hayward, CA for many many years.

He currently works for an aeronautical company.

The last time I spoke with him, he made the most responsible move ever.  He pulled over to the side of the road and stayed there for the entire time we spoke. (Was it an hour or so, Alan?)

Here is Alan's email to us:


I am living in the bay area, been here for the past 5 years, working in San
Rafael. Seeing all this email going through, I am really looking forward to
our get together.

Take care and will see you soon.

Kou Hoaloha,

P.S. Rey, I promise to call you back if I miss your call :). Also, who is
coordinating the get together?

- Reynette

#4 Us Guys

Class of '74 - 8th Grade
(in alphabetical order by first names):

Theresa G
Theresa P

And from our other classroom personnel configurations...

And our teachers.........

#3 Before We Start ... Stuff To Keep In Mind

Aloha, Small-Kid-Time Friends!

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind as we contribute to this blog:

1. Use first names and/or first initials of last names only
 (Let's protect everyone's right to privacy.)

2. Be kind and respectful
(Of course we are!)

3. Share only what is comfortable
(If something that is posted makes you feel uncomfortable, let Reynette know.)

#2 What To Do....Hmmm...What To Do?

Randy and I came up with a plan.

We would just make it happen...somehow!

I knew it was going to happen this time around. It's amazing how quickly things can be accomplished with modern technology.  My past efforts had included only the house phone and the phone book. At some point, there was some computer access but very little.  With those tools, I was able to stay in touch with Billy and Alan.  So much so that they were both at my wedding. They lived in Clayton and Hayward, respectively, at that time.  (For those of you who aren't too familiar with the San Francisco Bay Area, those two cities are in the East Bay and across the bay from San Francisco.)

With these tools, I also found Carole in the mid 90's, I believe,  and we chatted for a bit at that time but that was it.

A few years later, Theresa G's name came across my desk at the law school at which I am employed. I tracked her down at her law firm and learned that she lived in the East Bay Orinda. I put her in touch with Billy and they have been hanging out together ever since especially during Halloween when Billy hosts his annual pumpkin carving party. (Hey! Remember when these two were voted "Cutest Couple" and they weren't even a couple? That if they were ever together, they'd make a cute couple? They "matched"? hahaha! We were so funny back then.)

Billy's past efforts for a class reunion were a lot more bountiful. He was able to get a gathering together at Ali'i Beach. I wasn't there so others can share stories about that event.  From what I recall, I was told that the following individuals were present at the beach on that day: Billy (of course), Carole (who was the only girl from the class), Erick, Eric, Bryant, John, George, and Mr. B. Billy, was this in the 1980's? 90's? Gang, do share the details.

And last year, thanks to Facebook, I found Mr. I!! I was so excited to hear that he was in Oakland, CA....across the bay from San Francisco and in the same neck of the woods as Billy, Alan and Theresa!!!

And so here we are today...2012.

What to do...hmmm...what to do? How to do it?? Hmmm....

First things first, who are we looking for? It shouldn't be too difficult.  We only had 14 students in our 8th grade class at St. Michael's. And how did I remember that? Randy posted our yearbook pictures on his Facebook page! Thanks, Randy! I am being sarcastic because my picture is dweebie and so 1970's! But I am also feeling grateful because seeing our old pictures brought back the excitement of doing a hunt again!

Yes...I was feeling good about this!

So I clicked on to Randy's Facebook page, started assessing the situation and began plotting out a strategy........

- Reynette