Monday, February 3, 2014

#36 - The Reunion Sitch

There will be 3 St. Michael's reunions. We have options!

REUNION #1 (DONE - It was a blast! We missed all of you!)
WHEN: Saturday, February 1, 2014
WHERE: Billy's House (Pleasant Hill, CA)
WHO: The California Crew - Billy, Alan, Theresa G aka TAG, Reynette, Mr. I aka Tony

WHEN: June 2014 (last week of June/first week of July - exact date TBD)
WHERE: Hawaii!! (Erick, can you take care of this?)
WHO: Anyone who can attend.
We are hoping that at least all of the Hawaii classmates can make it - Erick, Valerie, Carole,  Billy and Urdene, for sure. And mainlanders? Ginnie? Alan? Reynette? TAG? Eric? Randy? TP?

WHEN: Summer 2015 (Maybe 4th of July weekend? We need to pick a date soon!)
WHO: Class of '74 PLUS everyone else who had Mr. and Mrs. L and Mr. I as teachers and mentors! This includes the classes before us and the classes behind us. We will reach out as best as we can. Everyone needs to kokua. This will be the first time back for our teachers!

Sooooo.......what do you think?
Which one(s) will you attend?

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