Monday, February 3, 2014

#33 - 2014 Mini Reunion at Billy's

Billy and his wife Marlina graciously hosted the California crew at their lovely home last night in Pleasant Hill, California. It was an absolute blast! Present were Billy and Marlina, of course, Alan , Theresa G and her nephew (Lisa's son), Tony I and his life time partner/husband, Kim and me (Reynette). Theresa and her nephew had to leave early and the rest of us stayed for the pot luck dinner and dessert...and quite a few bottles of wine.

We talked about life. We talked about travels. We talked about our life experiences in the San Francisco Bay Area. We talked about Tony's experiences in Waialua/Haleiwa. (Yes, we can call him Tony.) We talked about St. Michael's. We talked about 7th and 8th grade memories. We talked about reading The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. We talked about The Lord of the Flies. We talked about how Alan and Billy tied Miss Clarke up. We talked about John C fighting with Alan. We talked about Billy getting fed up with Joe P's antics. We remembered Science lessons like looking up into the sky and trying to identify the types of clouds floating by. We talked about kickball. We talked about planting the tree. (What tree?!) We talked about so much!  The best part of the evening, in my opinion, was when we talked about "The King and I". The costumes...the set...the singing...the acting...the practices....Tony getting down on his knees during one of the practices to demonstrate for Alan how to play the king's part (and then having trouble getting back up and praying that he didn't have to demonstrate that pose again)...the music...the work Toni L put into the Tony decided who was going to play which character.  At one point in the conversation, Billy stood up and asked me to dance the waltz with him in his dining room! Just as we had performed in the play! He even recited his lines!  He tried to get Alan to do the King's part but Alan was acting all shy and stuff. Billy was on fire last night! He had his lines and moves down...even after 40 years!

Speaking of 40 years...we talked about The Reunion. (More details to follow.)

Yes, it was a great night .

Thank you, Billy and Marlina, for being such gracious hosts. Thank you for opening up your beautiful home to us. Thank you, Tony, Kim, Alan, Theresa. It was great seeing you.

A hui hou!
Mahalo a me kealoha,

p.s. We really missed the rest of our St. Michael's ohana... and wished that you could have been there with us too. <3 Hopefully we will see you soon. :-)

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