Monday, February 17, 2014

#47 - That Was Then...This Is Now...Reynette

Reynette ... in the recent years.....

Family of Origin - Tracy, Alison, Dad, Lance, Mom, Reynette (2007)
  Siblings - Alison, Tracy, Lance, Reynette (2012)

Rich, Priscille, Reynette at Rich's family's estate in Dublin, Ireland (June 2013)
Priscille (16) at the bottom of the famous mosaic tiled stairs in San Francisco...just a few blocks from our house (2013)

#46 - That Was Then...This is Now...Ginnie

It's Virginia!!! aka Ginnie!!!!
Ginnie and hubby in Venice, Italy
Ginnie and family in San Diego, California
Ginnie and sons

Family pic - Visit to northern California

#45 - Bellows - Site of Reunion #2

Message from the Class President:

Howzit Gangees,

Great news on Bellows AFS for those of you attending this June.  I was able to reserve 2 2-bedroom ocean front units.  I have the reservations for the units from 3pm Saturday June 28 - 11am Monday the 30th.  Each can sleep up to 6 people.  So bring your families too.  Let me know who plans to stay in the units and how many guests you are bringing.  If you want to stay longer, let me know and I'll try to adjust the reservations for the units.  Check the link for pics of the cabins.

Once we know who will be attending for the day and who will stay, I will contact you for some info so that I can get the base passes.  I also have a beach pavilion for all day on Sunday the 29th.  For those of you who drink, it is allowed within the pavilion.  The pavilion is close to the beach showers too (and bathroom for us old buggahs).


#44 Sigh...Waialua Sky

Thank you for the reminder, Erick!

#43 - That Was Then...This Is Now...Erick

Erick, Michelle and Troy

Michelle and Erick at Troy's USC Graduation

Erick in Okinawa

Mom and Dad Kozuma

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

#42 - "I Am Hawaii" *
I Am Hawaii  
I am Hawaii, I am forever
I will always be kind to you
May gentle rain wash your cares far out to sea
Come you dreamers and dream with me
I am Hawaii, I am the flowers
Whispering waters enchanted hours
Come you lovers, come to forever
I am Hawaii, I'll bring you love
- words by Mack David
- music by Elmer Bernstein
- performed by Don Ho

 *Billy, I believe this is what you were looking for. Yes?

#41 - That Was Then...This Is Now...Eric

It's Eric!


#40 - That Was Then...This Is Now ... Randy

It's Randy!!

#39 - That Was Then...This Is Now...Toni and Hank

It's Toni and Hank!
What a lovely couple!

#38 - That Was Then...This Is Now...Urdene

It's our friend Urdene...and her family!

Monday, February 10, 2014

#37 - SAVE THE DATE! Reunion #2


WHAT:  Class of '74 Reunion #2
WHO: YOU!!!!!
WHEN: Sunday, June 29, 2014
WHERE: Bellows Beach Park - BBQ ....and then ...when the sun goes down...on to Erick's place in Kailua for the after party! Woot woot!

Note: Erick is going to try to get a couple of vacation cabin rentals at Bellows for the mainlanders.  More info to follow....
(Yes, these are pics of Bellows Beach Park in Waimanalo!)


Monday, February 3, 2014

#36 - The Reunion Sitch

There will be 3 St. Michael's reunions. We have options!

REUNION #1 (DONE - It was a blast! We missed all of you!)
WHEN: Saturday, February 1, 2014
WHERE: Billy's House (Pleasant Hill, CA)
WHO: The California Crew - Billy, Alan, Theresa G aka TAG, Reynette, Mr. I aka Tony

WHEN: June 2014 (last week of June/first week of July - exact date TBD)
WHERE: Hawaii!! (Erick, can you take care of this?)
WHO: Anyone who can attend.
We are hoping that at least all of the Hawaii classmates can make it - Erick, Valerie, Carole,  Billy and Urdene, for sure. And mainlanders? Ginnie? Alan? Reynette? TAG? Eric? Randy? TP?

WHEN: Summer 2015 (Maybe 4th of July weekend? We need to pick a date soon!)
WHO: Class of '74 PLUS everyone else who had Mr. and Mrs. L and Mr. I as teachers and mentors! This includes the classes before us and the classes behind us. We will reach out as best as we can. Everyone needs to kokua. This will be the first time back for our teachers!

Sooooo.......what do you think?
Which one(s) will you attend?

#35 - Reunion Dialogue as of 2/3/14

Thank you, Kozuma, for your email on January 12, 2014. Being the good 8th Grade Class President that you were, you kicked it into gear!

"Howzit Gangees,
So what?  Can or what?  I'm willing to start the planning, but how many are interested?  I can host at my house, or try to book a couple of cabins at Bellows in Waimanalo, my treat.  Let me know. Happy Birthday Alan.  Of our classmates, isn't he the first one to turn 54?"

- Erick
Already? Wow!
We have to do this.
Let's put out some possible times in the year.
FYI...the flights to Hawaii are cheaper in the Fall and at other sporadic times of the year. I vote for mid October. 10/17-19/14. That'll give us time to prepare.
Thank you, Kozuma, for offering to host the gathering. It would also be fun to do something at the school. Auntie Lois P will be able to help us with that. Either way....
Thank you for the email.
What do the rest of you think?"

"Let's do it!  Although fiscal year-end may be a little tough for me... you
know us FMer's need to keep $$$'s flowing so that Erick and Val don't have
to worry about it (wink).  If that's what we agree on, I'll see what I can
do to make it work.  Mahalo's"
"Hi all,
Sorry for dropping of the face of the earth. This past year was very trying
on both personal and work life.
This gathering is great, count me in and let me know how I can help.
"Thank you for the email! I have to let you know that I will be home at the end of June for my nephew's wedding. (June 28th) The wedding is on O'ahu so I will be there for a few days and then heading to Maui to spend time with my husband's family. I don't think I will be able to make another trip in the fall... I will already be back in school."
"Aloha everyone!
 So this is really happening??? Hank and I have talked about it for a year, and we are soooo looking forward to seeing everyone.  My problem is that I don't think I will be able to leave once we are there.  If there is one place in the world I would want to retire to, it is Oahu.  I watch HGTV and their Buying in Hawaii and I cry.    
So, keep us in the loop and we will start making plans.  Wonderful work!
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou to you all! And a great year it will be!"
-Toni L
"Good morning all,
I'm glad the ball is rolling again for our reunion. I must say this early in the planning stage that we can't make it in October but are able to go the end of June. I had to bid for my vacation days back in November & it is difficult for me to change them."
"Hi Urdene!
If we had a reunion in June, what day could you spare for us?
ps I am sitting here in Billy's dining room with Tony I and Alan M. "
"I LOVED reading the blog! Sounds like you guys had a blast! Yes, I remember asking if we could be altar girls! We were just so progressive ( still are!) Haha! Got your email about dates in June. I have to talk with Jed and figure out what's going on with the wedding. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. We were busy winning the SUPER BOWL this weekend, so time was short!! Woot-woot!! Talk to you soon!"
-Urdene "Go Hawks!!"
"Hey Gang,
I spoke with Toni L this morning.
The good news:  She and Hank are very well and busy in Florida.  Their son Mycah is miraculously improved and also in Florida, though not with them.  They are completely willing to come to California or to postpone the reunion until next year.  They are as determined as Kim and me to make it to this reunion. 
But the bad news: Toni has a commitment in June on Block Island; it is a promise that she cannot change.
So we seem to be back to square one. 
A final note, she was flattered to be remembered and thanked for her efforts on costumes and music for The King and I and admits (with a great deal of laughter) that she is still involved in similar pursuits.
Mahalo all." 
Tony I


#34 - My Bad : What Happened to 2013?!


This is Reynette.

I sincerely apologize for dropping the ball with getting this 2014 Reunion party going earlier.

Life took me by a storm!

I was swept away in a winter swell out at Waimea Bay ....but now I'm back.

Lo siento, mis amigos,

#33 - 2014 Mini Reunion at Billy's

Billy and his wife Marlina graciously hosted the California crew at their lovely home last night in Pleasant Hill, California. It was an absolute blast! Present were Billy and Marlina, of course, Alan , Theresa G and her nephew (Lisa's son), Tony I and his life time partner/husband, Kim and me (Reynette). Theresa and her nephew had to leave early and the rest of us stayed for the pot luck dinner and dessert...and quite a few bottles of wine.

We talked about life. We talked about travels. We talked about our life experiences in the San Francisco Bay Area. We talked about Tony's experiences in Waialua/Haleiwa. (Yes, we can call him Tony.) We talked about St. Michael's. We talked about 7th and 8th grade memories. We talked about reading The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. We talked about The Lord of the Flies. We talked about how Alan and Billy tied Miss Clarke up. We talked about John C fighting with Alan. We talked about Billy getting fed up with Joe P's antics. We remembered Science lessons like looking up into the sky and trying to identify the types of clouds floating by. We talked about kickball. We talked about planting the tree. (What tree?!) We talked about so much!  The best part of the evening, in my opinion, was when we talked about "The King and I". The costumes...the set...the singing...the acting...the practices....Tony getting down on his knees during one of the practices to demonstrate for Alan how to play the king's part (and then having trouble getting back up and praying that he didn't have to demonstrate that pose again)...the music...the work Toni L put into the Tony decided who was going to play which character.  At one point in the conversation, Billy stood up and asked me to dance the waltz with him in his dining room! Just as we had performed in the play! He even recited his lines!  He tried to get Alan to do the King's part but Alan was acting all shy and stuff. Billy was on fire last night! He had his lines and moves down...even after 40 years!

Speaking of 40 years...we talked about The Reunion. (More details to follow.)

Yes, it was a great night .

Thank you, Billy and Marlina, for being such gracious hosts. Thank you for opening up your beautiful home to us. Thank you, Tony, Kim, Alan, Theresa. It was great seeing you.

A hui hou!
Mahalo a me kealoha,

p.s. We really missed the rest of our St. Michael's ohana... and wished that you could have been there with us too. <3 Hopefully we will see you soon. :-)