Sunday, July 6, 2014

#57 - Bellows Reunion and More

What a weekend!

It began on Wednesday with Billy and Erick, and their wives, Marlina and Michelle, respectively, spending some special reconnection time. They met up for dinner and had a great evening together.

On Friday, since Carole was in a crunch period at work and unable to make it to the Bellows event, Billy, Marlina and Erick met her for lunch in Aiea. 

This is what Carole had to say. "Lunch with Erick, William and Marlina was very nice and relaxing! Thanks, Erick, for arranging everything and for lunch! It sure didn't seem like all those years had passed since we last saw each other. Really wish I could have spent the time with everyone at Bellows, however, had a very, very busy weekend at work." 

Then Saturday rolled along and Billy, Marlina, Erick, Michelle and Reynette met up at Costco in Hawaii Kai to do some camping shopping. We got some Portugese sausage, tri tip steak, chicken, those red  Redondo hot dogs, fruits, snacks, and more yummy goodies and then caravanned on to Bellows Air Force Beach. Erick led us on the scenic route... Kalama Valley, Sandy Beach, Makapu'u, Sea Life Park, Waimanalo ... wow! Such incredible ocean scenery. Sure brought back fond memories and a true appreciation of the aina.

We arrived at Bellows and checked in... and this was the view from our cabins. 

Hanging out, settling in and talking story on Saturday night was fun. The oven was so small that we made individual size made-to-order pizzas for dinner. Billy, Marlina, Erick, Michelle and Reynette sat around the table and shared silly stories...and memories that some of us could not remember.

Do you remember Mrs. Kennedy our English teacher? Reynette didn't (neither did Urdene when we asked her on Sunday.)
Do you remember building a pyramid in the 3rd grade?
Do you remember that Erick's paper mache puppet in Mrs. Paglinawan's class was of Jesus? And that he made up his own lines for his part in the puppet show...because he wasn't paying attention?
Do you remember when Billy read a passage from Romeo and Juliet and Erick and Eric snickered and giggled because they thought it was a sexual comment when it was really about Romeo's shoes?
Do you remember the cool Science project in Mr. L's class where we used two sticks to poke through holes in computer cards to identify and determine the specific chemical combinations for .... we couldn't remember.
Do you remember the Wards? Erick had a traumatic story to tell.

And then it was Sunday.

Since Reynette's San Francisco and Hawaii families were unavailable, she invited her niece Brookie (Tracy's daughter) and Robin, her college bestie and roomie who also went to Sacred Hearts with Michelle, Erick's wife. Robin's son, Ronson (who majored in Engineering just as Erick did) and his friends from Colorado also came to hang out and swim with us.

Billy got a call from Bryant that morning too. Unfortunately he was unable to make it but offered his 5-acre place in Mokuleia for the next reunion.

Urdene and her family - husband Jed, son Taylor and daughter Jenna - arrived and it was so great to see her after all these years. She remembered that in the 3rd grade, Sister Ruth Mary gave us newly sharpened pencils each month. Huh? She was the only one with that fond memory.

All who gathered were mesmerized and hypnotized  by the incredibly vibrant and warm turquoise blue ocean. Mother Nature and our Heavenly Father blessed us on Sunday. Erick said that the winds were blowing in an unusual pattern that day - mauka to makai instead of the opposite direction - which meant that there were no Portuguese man-of-wars in the water. It was safe. It was perfect!

And then we told ghost stories as the sun went down. Billy had a "white lady" story that took place in Waimea Valley. He had heard the Night Marchers in the same vicinity - Pupukea - too. Reynette had to sleep with the light on. 

It was a fun weekend. It was heart warming and exciting. It was short and sweet. It was nice. You know...when one hears of class reunions, one automatically cringes thinking of those potentially awkward moments, right? It was not like that at all. Everyone was welcomed. Everyone was comfortable. Marlina, Billy's wife, even threw in some pidgin phrases. Her efforts and delivery were spot on! 

This is what Urdene had to say. "LOVED seeing Rey, Eric and Billy and their ohana. Such a special time together and Bellows Beach was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful! I'll remember forever."

Billy said, "What I really liked about seeing each other was being able to pick up in our antics and conversations as if we had never been apart. Remembering things and just enjoying being together again. We really need more time."

And Erick...."I really enjoyed talking story and catching up with all and making new friends like Marlina, Robin, Jed and Urdene's clan.  Amazed me that Billy and I started right back up at giving Rey a hard time starting on Saturday afternoon after we checked in at Bellows.  Was real good fun.  As far as bringing up memories from small kid time, Urdene talked about reading Romeo and Juliet in 8th grade, then going to see the movie.  Thinking about it, I don't specifically remember the make-out scenes, but I do remember some of the girls coming out of the theater in Kaneohe all weepy, and some of us guys making fun of that."

Reynette said, "This was muscle memory. Most of us had been together for 8 years at St. Michael's. We were family back then although we didn't realize it at the time. It was so interesting to watch the dynamics as we all came together again as friends and with our ohanas. It was as if we had never left each other and our home. All I can say is... those boys will be boys! So silly...but in a more mature fashion. I am still rolling my eyes and shaking my head. Wish everyone else could have been there with us."

Thank you, Erick, Billy, Urdene, Reynette ... and ohanas...  for making this mini-reunion happen. We missed all who weren't there. We really did. No worries, though. There's next year's. 

A hui hou! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014


It's the BIG Class(es) Reunion!

Saturday, June 27, 2015
Where: St. Michael School Auditorium
             Home of "The King and I" Production (and other fun events)

#55 DETAILS: 2014 Class Reunion - Bellows


St. Michael's Class of 1974
Class Reunion #2
Saturday 6/28/14
Check In - Anytime after noon
- lunch, hang out, dinner, hang out
Camping food!!!! BBQ!!!!! 
Hang out = swimming, walking, taking story, doing nothing, playing tennis....
Sunday 6/29/14
Come anytime!
- breakfast, hang out, Reunion  BBQ, hang out, leftovers for dinner
Camping food!!!! BBQ!!!!! 
Hang out = swimming, walking, taking story, doing nothing, playing tennis....
Monday 6/30/14
Check Out
Aloha 'oe!


Friday, March 21, 2014

#54 - That Was Then...This Is Now ... Theresa aka TAG


Theresa, Lisa, Felicia

Theresa talking to Tibetan monks in Nepal 19??

Theresa and her daughter Ava
Theresa and her son Gabe

Tahoe 2010

Free Spirit

Theresa, Esq.

#53 Candids (Erick, Eric, TP, John, Billy)

Erick and Eric
The two buddies

TP doing her class chore

John, Billy, Eric
Silly boys!

Saturday, March 8, 2014